The Return of Beer School

I've thought long and hard about whether or not to do this.  Maybe it ran its course and no one wants it anymore.  But I figured it was worth a shot.  Let me explain Beer School. 

I need to take you all the way back to the year of our Lord 2011.  We were living in St. Louis at the time and there was a bar down on the Delmar Loop called Ciceros.  Cicero’s sadly, no longer exists, and so I feel even more ok with telling this story.  Every Wednesday night they would hold a class in the back room where a representative from a brewery would come in and talk about the brewery, the business, and of course, to sample some beer.  I went every week and loved it.  It was a really immersive way to get to know this drink that we all know and love.  

Brodie Mueller beer school

Fast forward to 2013 when we moved to the Hub City.  I didn't know what I was going to do for work, so I called up an old contact with a distributor I knew from our time in Sioux Falls.  They needed a part time Aberdeen Rep and so I started my year at Global Distributing.  At this time, Pounders was just getting started and so I pitched them the idea that I would run a beer school for 2 semesters.  Long story short it works great, we expanded from the sun room to the main restaurant and I was the Professor of Malt and Hops for 2 years.  

Brodie Mueller, Beer School

When I started the Market, I very much wanted to have a space that you could enjoy the wide breadth of flavors that craft beer has to offer and still see the daylight, or even better, in the daylight! I'll be the first to admit that it was a lot harder to grow all the different parts of the business (coffee, food, retail, beer, events) all at the same time and the Market Bar took a back seat while coffee and food got their feet under them.  

But not anymore! Since the loss of Slackers, I would like to put my hat in the ring as your place to try craft beer.  Our taps are always changing and new cans come in every week.  Play a game or sit and connect with friends and lovers.  

But back to Beer School.  At Beer School, we will take a look at a different type or style of beer each week, and break down why it tastes that way, and what beers you might like if that style tastes good! We will go through history and brewing styles, ingredients and techniques, all to make you a more informed consumer.  We will sample 4-6 different beers and walk through tasting notes on each one.  We will play games and give out prizes and laugh and imbibe.  

I love presenting and sharing all this knowledge so come hang out with us for Beer School once a month through spring of 2023! More info and details here.


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